Paul Magnall is Red Kite Computers. Paul is a freelance Education ICT Consultant with over 30 years experience of ICT in schools.

Red Kite Computers helps schools make more effective use of their ICT resources to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and governors with particular focus on:

“..much, much more is possible than people ordinarily think.”

(Benjamin and Rosamund Zander)

Recent Posts

The Four Nations Maths Challenge 2012

Naace and Mathletics are organising the "Four Nations Maths Challenge…

iPad and Mathletics

At last it is here. Mathletics can be downloaded and run on the…

Restoring the Earth

I’ve written about trees quite a few times on my blog so you…

Statutory Requirements for School Websites

You are probably aware that the websites of maintained schools…

Power and social networking

In a recent article in Resurgence Fritjof Capra wrote: To understand…

Trees and QR Codes

I have had an exciting day today working with a small group of…