Paul Magnall is Red Kite Computers. Paul is a freelance Education ICT Consultant with over 30 years experience of ICT in schools.

Red Kite Computers helps schools make more effective use of their ICT resources to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and governors with particular focus on:

“..much, much more is possible than people ordinarily think.”

(Benjamin and Rosamund Zander)

Recent Posts

Scientific investigation

What food do birds prefer? If you have a classroom that looks…

iPad, Mathletics and Lexia

It’s good to hear that both Mathletics and Lexia are developing…

Building Relationships

I remember a colleague once saying that education was all about…

The International Children’s Digital Library

The International Children’s Digital Library is described as…


Storybird is a brilliant collaborative story telling tool. The…

Green Doctor – helping to tackle fuel poverty

Fuel poverty is on the increase. Fuel poverty is said to occur…