Paul Magnall is Red Kite Computers. Paul is a freelance Education ICT Consultant with over 30 years experience of ICT in schools.

Red Kite Computers helps schools make more effective use of their ICT resources to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and governors with particular focus on:

“..much, much more is possible than people ordinarily think.”

(Benjamin and Rosamund Zander)

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Morley Newlands Ofsted

Congratulations to Morley Newlands Primary School who have been…

iPad Apps: Comic Strip

Comic Strip is an app which provides a simple way of producing…

Embed YouTube videos in WordPress – remove related videos

If you upload videos to YouTube before embedding them in your…

Spreadsheets and food security

In primary schools I find that spreadsheets are often glossed…

iPad apps: Morfo

Morfo may seem a strange iPad app to use in the classroom but…

Blogging from an iPad

I regularly use an iPad to blog, both for my own blogs and for…