Using blogs to celebrate work

Children love an audience to show off their work to and to get positive responses. In fact, not just children! Classroom walls are good for showcasing good or excellent work but the audience is limited to pupils and staff in school and perhaps parents a few times a year. School or class blogs can create a much bigger audience particularly if linked into social media such as a school Facebook or Twitter account. Once a blog is set set up it can be so quick to post a picture and a few words about a piece of work onto your blog using a tablet such as an iPad with the appropriate app installed, or even a phone if school policies allow. Once a piece of work is published pupils love to see it and to see encouraging comments.

Or even constructive suggestions! I have regularly published games made on Scratch by pupils onto class blogs and asked other children to play them and comment on two or more things that they like about the game and one way in which it might be improved.

And if your school regularly send pupils with exceptional work to the head’s office for a reward why not equip the head with a blog, the relevant app on a tablet and publish a photo of that smiling face with their exceptional work. It only takes a minute but can provide a huge amount of pride and motivation for that pupil and their family.

If you want to know more then why not read some of my other posts about blogging in schools or contact me for a visit.

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