Paul Magnall is Red Kite Computers. Paul is a freelance Education ICT Consultant with over 30 years experience of ICT in schools.

Red Kite Computers helps schools make more effective use of their ICT resources to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and governors with particular focus on:

“..much, much more is possible than people ordinarily think.”

(Benjamin and Rosamund Zander)

Recent Posts

A good life for all ….

... within planetary boundaries. This is the title of a new…

Leeds Poverty Truth Commission’s HuManifesto

Yesterday I was privileged to be able to attend the closing event…

Blog of the week

This has to be class blog of the week. This crazy teacher has…

Using blogs to celebrate work

Children love an audience to show off their work to and to get…

Air pollution and children

Children are some of the most vulnerable to dirty air. The health…

Lego Animations

I have been doing Lego animations with children for many years…