Paul Magnall is Red Kite Computers. Paul is a freelance Education ICT Consultant with over 30 years experience of ICT in schools.

Red Kite Computers helps schools make more effective use of their ICT resources to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and governors with particular focus on:

“..much, much more is possible than people ordinarily think.”

(Benjamin and Rosamund Zander)

Recent Posts

Google enhancements – Wonderwheel

Well it's the Easter holidays in Leeds (rather early and very…

Department for Education National Curriculum Review

There are about 750,000 teachers in the UK. Apparently, whenever…

Happy World Meteorological Day

Today is World Meteorological Day which is run by the World Meteorological…

What will you be doing during Climate Week?

Climate Week is from the 21st to 27th March. What will you be…

Analysing data with Excel

If you have loads of data to analyse then PowerPivot may be of…