Give a bird a home

Blue tit at nestboxThis week has been National Nestbox Week! Now is the time to put up nestboxes so that you can hopefully have the pleasure of helping birds raise a family.

I know it’s half term for most schools but why not put some bird boxes up around the school site when you get back. There is some advice on the RSPB Blogs and the RSPB Gardening for Wildlife book is also very helpful. School grounds have lots of places where you could put nest boxes. When I was a youngster I remember that our old Victorian primary school building housed loads of starling and sparrow nests, both species whose numbers have plummeted as the design of our buildings has sealed them out. And the secondary school I went to had hedges full of nests all round the playing field and starlings in the roof of the old school masters house.

So why not put up a few nestboxes to encourage the birds and give this generation of youngsters something to remember when they get to my age!

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